This is Jane...
See Jane run...
See Jane eat healthily..
See Jane go out and drink some cocktails with her friends...
See Jane drunkenly binge eat and ruin her week of hardwork in the end...
Behold the vicious cycle of the college student. You work hard all week, telling yourself you are going to be healthy. Then a few sugary cocktails, and some onset drunken munchies and you're waking the next morning with a stomach full of regrets.
Now there is nothing wrong with indulging. College is too short to always count calories. However, I have also faced the guilt of waking up and realized I consumed way to many calories the night before and feel like I have to workout extra hard to undo the damage.
This post is some recipes both for drinks and snacks that will help eliminate the guilt of a fun night out.

The best drinks to order at a bar is a light beer, a vodka diet coke or my personal favorite, vodka soda with lime juice. It's very light and flavorful! The other ways to save drink calories is to make your own before you go with a cocktail light. Below are links to my favorite low calorie cocktails:
End of the night snack
When most people talk about "the mistake they made last night" they are usually referring to men. I usually think of it as the bag of Cheetos I went to bed with. Don't Drink and Eat! Whenever I go out I always have some snacks on hand to enjoy when I get home before bed that won't leave a greasy residue of shame on my hands.
I lovvve minestrone soup. Two minutes in the microwave and it's warming my tummy. Minestrone is my favorite. At only 200 calories for the whole can, I feel satisfied and ready for bed.
Peanut butter and celery-
We all know I love my Better N Peanut Butter. When I love throwing it on some celery sticks after a night out. The salty sweet combo is music to the intoxicated mouth. And with the Better N it's only about 100 to 150 calories for 10 small celery sticks!
A salty green apple:
Apple a day keeps the calories at bay! A lot of times an apple doesn't seem soothing for a post drink munchies. A lot of times we crave something salty. By putting salt on apple slices you open up the flavor combo you have a hankering for while fighting off the love handles.
So remember, drink and be merry. But don't forget to drink and EAT responsibly!
well said my friend, well said. although that burger jane has in her hands does look DELISH!