Friday, November 25, 2011

Her Fitness:Best Workout Youtube Can Provide

Attention all! My friend Reily has shown me the light! 12 minutes of sweat equals a lifetime of a nice booty. In my previous post about things you can when you can't work out. Part of that post talked about youtube workout videos. When I was driving home for Thanksgiving Reily kept complaining about how much her legs and abs hurt saying that the glorious pain had been inflicted by a 12-minute no nonsense workout. Body Rock is a health website that posts articles and videos with killer workouts that tone every part of your body. These workouts are perfect for a girl with little time to get to the gym, say a girl who still has the leg of the turkey that she wolfed down and Thanksgiving and is coming up on finals hell. I have posted the videos below enjoy the pain... the good kind!

Good luck with finals and with working off all the pumpkin pie!


  1. proceed with caution. that was a painful car ride. great work outs but I definitely wouldn't recommend doing these before a long trip! haha

  2. This is such a great idea to help schedule in a work out into a busy schedule. Thanks for the tips!
