Hello! Welcome to Healthy Campus 101. I am Lauren aka "Her."
Who is Her? I am and so are you. I am the average college Senior living in Boston trying to stay healthy and sane in a world of chaos.So let me start off by saying I LOVE to read lifestyle blogs--health, fashion, fitness, you name it, I read it. But the problem I run into is usually these blogs are written by women who have a day job and then they come home. Their fixed schedules give them time to plan an outfit, workout everyday at the same time, and cook mouthwatering full meals in their ovens.
Sometimes us college girls just can't do that.
As a Senior with a full time class schedule, an internship and on-campus involvements, I can attest that no two days are the same. I can plan for the whole week to go to the gym on Thursday at 2pm. Then Thursday at noon comes along and OOPS my group needs to meet for a project and my professor moves his office hours and BOOM there goes the cardio that was supposed to rid me of guilt for the everything bagel with cream cheese I ate this morning. I want to write a healthy lifestyle blog for my lifestyle: the crazy, fun and lively life of a college girl.
So what kind of things can you expect from this blog?
Her Recipes:
Do I wish I could make a delicious all natural homemade pasta dish every night? You betcha! Do I have the money/time to do that? Ha funny! So on this blog I will show you my favorite healthy recipes that are great time savers and be made mainly on a stove top or microwave. Almost every recipe will have a preparation time of Under 30 minutes.

Her Fitness:
Now I am no fitness guru. However I am Italian. Relevance you may ask? I have always had to work to be fit. I can't eat 5 plates of nachos and leave it to my metabolism to do the dirty work. I have always been very active; running, dancing or pilates. But through college sometimes my workouts have taken a back seat and I find myself waking up and staring at a not so flat stomach and asking, "How did that get there?" So I have made my fitness a priority for senior year and will share all of my workout plans with you!
Her Fashion:
Nothing muses me more than looking through fashion mags and piecing together imaginary ensembles. Issue: Do I have 500$ to blow on a cardigan? Nope. Do I have a massive Carry Bradshaw walk-in to store a truck load of shoes? Only when I'm asleep. So this section is mainly about taking what's in your closet and making lots of different outfits. Anything you own can be a great work outfit and then Presto Change-O! you've got yourself a going out ensemble. I especially want to focus on cute and fun clothes for work and many interesting ways to wear them without breaking into your college loans.
Her Careers:
Now I am not a horn tooter. But I am currently on my 5th internship. I have worked with lots of great companies in different industries and there is definitely a method to my madness. I want to share little tips and tricks I have used that have helped me shove my foot into the proverbial door for my career.
Her Musings:
This can be anything from dating to what on campus grinds my gears. This is the open part of the blog that helps me bust out my style and punny jokes ( I swear they aren't that bad) So feel free to ask me anything you wish... this is your blog after all.